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An explanation of how to play:









Download YGOPRO 1.033.7 v2

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ygopro for windows
YGOPRO for Windows
Full version Take this one if you have no idea which one you should take
Mirror 1: Mega
Mirror 2: Google Drive

Update only From 1.033.7 to v2
Copy downloaded file to the ygopro folder, run the extractor and overwrite all files
Mirror 1: Google Drive
Mirror 2: DataFileHost

Mac OS X

ygopro for osx
System requirements: OS X 10.8 or higher.
Installation instructions

Full version
Mirror 1: MediaFire

Update only to 1.033.7v2 c
Only use this if you already have the FULL version installed.
Mirror 1: MediaFire (updated Dec 25th 2015, bugfix)


ygopro for linux
YGOPRO for Linux
Full version

Update only 1.033.7v2
Only use this if you already have the FULL version installed.
Mirror 1: MediaFire


YGOPRO for Android 1.4.9

APK (updated Dec 25th 2015, bugfix)

Manual installation
Installation instructions

APK file + patch obb
Mirror 1: MediaFire (updated Dec 25th 2015, bugfix)

Android card pics (only needed for a clean install)
Mirror 1: MediaFire
Mirror 2: Mega


Search for Ygopro on the App Store.


Other downloads

Alternate exe for 1.033.3 Windows Only use this if you have trouble with the normal version. This file is optional.
Mirror 1: RAR archive

The alternate exe is no longer available

Ygopro Percy 1.033.7v2 Japanese
Mirror 1: DataFileHost (Thanks to unyutema)

Tools and Utilities
Miscellaneous downloads for ygopro

Download archive

Old versions of ygopro
Previous versions of ygopro


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