simple way to burn any OS takeoffs ISO
My brothers , my sisters .. forum visitors operating systems happiest God afternoon, all the best

On this day, I liked to give a very simple way to burn any cylinder takeoffs ISO to Flash Almimori and takeoffs than any cylinder imagine you can burn this way many, many CDs and there is a simple example as a cylinder Hearn bot known and cylinder Bartchen Magic Pot sometimes be floppy disks damaged Reader In some modern equipment it does not have a floppy disk reader so we must burn the flash memory for user castles and solving various problems of these cylinders

We will use this explanation in the program UltraISO you will not prolong
Tiger to explain the program followed the good pictures

Doubleclick on the program

These various cylinders used by
I 'm going to burn cylinder Menthol PartitionMagic and Lizard
And you also want you freedom in your choice

Doubleclick on the disc will open Ultra ISO program

Directed this tool as shown in the picture

Enter the Flash Memory and went to formic option as shown in the picture

Here we work formate flash must leave
_FAT32_ On the default option now some discs
Format_ support system default FAT32_ of the information is no more reverse operating Alandmh
Windows Vaasthab Alkhiar_ Ntfs_ even be faster in the installation and dealing
FAT32_ cylinders _Ntfs_ Softwares for Windows Operating

After format went to this option will start the burning process

Congratulations burning seemed successfully

Wait until the process is completed

Now you must restart the computer and access to the boot menu and choose
Takeoff from flash disc until we see cylinder Do not operate either

As shown in the picture cylinder worked from 10.10 boot

Tiger now to download the software UltraISO
In the last publications installation is a silent installation
Enabled lifelong doubleclick on the program and you'll find an icon Antdhar Thaona
UltraISO on your desktop
