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highly compressed games

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow

حجم اللعبة : 353MB
التوافق : 7/8/vista/xp


Pentium III or AMD Athlon 1GHz
DirectX compatible Video CardDirectX compatible Sound CardDirectX 8.18X
CD-ROM or 4X DVD-ROM Drive
3GB Hard Disk
SpaceKeyboard and Mouse

Walkthrough: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow HD in 720p and 1080p high definition
Refinery: Kundang, Indonesia - Difficulty Hard
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow HD
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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow [HD]
Developer: Ubisoft
Release: December 27th, 2011
Genre: Action/Adventure/Modern
Publisher: Ubisoft
Website: http://splintercell.ubi.com
The sequel to Splinter Cell HD makes its way to the PlayStation 3 with a host of exclusive content, including a new jungle mission, alternate pathways in revisited missions, and booby-trap gameplay. Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow HD once again casts you in the role of Sam Fisher, whose mission is to destroy top secret documentation held in the embassy of militia leader Suhadi Sadono. With Sam's all-new moves and prototype gear, you must infiltrate buildings and spare the hostages.
Tags: tom clancy's splinter cell pandora tomorrow hd refinery kundang indonesia egameboss high definition walkthrough playthrough longplay sam fisher third echelon "Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow HD" "Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow HD Walkthrough" "Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow HD Playthrough" "Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow HD Longplay" "Lets Play Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow HD" "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Video Game Series)" "Splinter Cell Trilogy"

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

/7/8 OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium 3, 1.4 GHz or Athlon XP 1500+RAM: 512 MB
Hard Drive: 4 GB Free
Video Memory: 64 MB
Sound Card: DirectX CompatibleDirectX: 9.0c
Keyboard and Mouse

Enter the realm of a retired assassin, forced back into action by treason. You may be a hired killer but you still have a sense of loyalty and justice. Visit the dark recesses of a world corrupted by crime, greed, degradation and dishonor. And a past that catches up with you.
User reviews: Very Positive (920 reviews)
Release Date: 1 Oct, 2002